The UI is stuttery and doesnt feel fluid. e.g. no rubberbanding or other refinements youd expect. It supports color themes for the window the chats appear in, but most annoying, it launches another window that just sits there in the dock. I have no idea what its supposed to show because its empty. Im a little paranoid so I think its probably there to pop junk up on my screen? Doesnt seem to work right anyway, so... yeah.
Biggest thing that bugs me about this though other than the stuttery UI and jerkiness - No stickers!
Its stupid, I know its stupid, but the only reason Id want to use a Facebook chat program other than Messages or Adium (because if I just want to use chat Ill use a jabber/XMPP client) and IM with Facebook users is that I want to see the stickers and send them back as well.
Not files on my computer. The Facebook stickers. That fox! And that cat! The cat is KNEADING THINGS WITH HIS PAWS.
My impression is that this app isnt a chat program as much as a wrapper for the web chat system on Facebooks site? But without the Facebook ads, though it attempts to show their own in a window that doesnt work like they had hoped, and without the benefit of the one thing that youd want to use Facebook native chat for. Stickers.
TheSeaward about
Astro for Facebook Messenger Free